
Six years in the making, our asphalt plant on Omahu Road in Hastings has many years and thousands of tonnes of track record in producing industry standard asphalt that is fully certified and ready to be laid.  We have continuously modified and upgraded our operation to ensure we deliver the required quality every time and provide the responsive service that our customers demand.

With quality and sustainability being important values at Tūpore Asphalt, the entire plant has been built specifically to lower the impact that it has on the environment. It is one of the lowest-emission plants in New Zealand due to the design of the plant and the facility that has been established around the asphalt loading bay. We are also moving towards recycling existing asphalt surfaces for further use within our business.  In 2024 we plan a further upgrade and expansion to our plant to allow us to service larger quantities over shorter periods whilst at the same time further reducing our environmental impacts.


Our plant has the capability to produce a full spectrum of mix designs. The common mixes that we produce that have received full certification from Road Science are:

  • AC10
  • AC10 Polymer
  • AC14
  • AC14 Polymer
  • DG7

We also offer Coldmix which is not a certified product.

Testing and Compliance

Our plant is operated to ISO 9001 Quality Certification and the Asphalt Plant Accreditation Scheme (APAS) standards.

Road Science is the independent IANZ Laboratory that tests and certifies all of our mixes. Our in-house quality assurance means that Road Science are sent samples frequently to ensure that our mixes meet the quality and performance specifications.

We partner with Road Science due to their outstanding reputation in the industry to match the outstanding quality of mix that we produce.


All customers must have an account set up and meet our Health and Safety induction requirements to purchase asphalt from our plant. For enquiries or purchasing please contact our Asphalt Plant Production Manager – Andrew Toye.

Contact Details:

Tūpore Asphalt Plant
1438 Omahu Road, Twyford,
Hastings 4179

Andrew Toye
Production Manager

Mon – Fri: 7.30am – 4.30pm
027 4141 709



Quotes for laying asphalt should be requested through our Head Office (06 879 4560 / info@tupore.co.nz)

Looking to start a new project? Get in touch

06 879 4560