This contract was for the construction of approximately two kilometre of area-wide pavement treatment of Kahuranaki Road including the Rochfort Road Intersection to improve the road safety with the expected increase in heavy vehicles generated from farming and logging activities. Activities included tree removal, sight distance improvements and bank stabilisation along with new drainage to better manage surface water flows.
Large volume of shoulder undercut was excavated to create the extra width required for the associated widening works. Benching for working platforms to install retaining structures and bulk backfilling. Full pavement construction was undertaken overtop of the existing stabilised subgrade which included AP65 and, basecourse construction.
Russell Roads established a onsite quarry alongside the Tukituki River and our mobile crushing plant produced the total 10,000 m³ of roading aggregates required for the project.
of widenings completed on rural 100km roads.
pace score given by the client’s engineers.