
When CPM merged with Russell Roads, which later became Tūpore Infrastructure, we saw a huge opportunity in the aggregate supply sector. It was evident that investing into more efficient and modern gear would not only benefit the construction side of the business, but also that aggregate supply on the East Cape had high demand but limited suppliers. In light of this, Tūpore Aggregates Limited was established. We have since invested heavily in state of the art machinery that align with our values; specifically with quality and sustainability. There is no job too big or too small for our processing operations, whether it is 10 tonne or one million tonne, we have the capability to do the task. All of our plant is mobile and this means we have the flexibility to come to your site with our qualified quarry manager and his team.

We have a close partnership with the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to ensure we are extracting and processing in line with our resource consents. We play a large role in erosion management for the sites that operate under the guidance of HBRC.

What makes us different to our competitors is that all of our plant is mobile and this means we have the flexibility to send in our processing crews and our mobile plant to your site to crush your material.


Maraekakaho, Hawkes Bay

Springhill Station, Mohaka

Stockade Road, Central Hawkes Bay

*Please note that these locations are not retailing sites and are not open to the public. All orders must be made via the contact details that can be found at the bottom of this page.


Keestrack R5 Impact Crusher

Portafill MS-3 Screener

Keestrack S5 Stacker

S130D McCloskey Rinser

2 x 20-tonne Quarry-Spec Loaders

1 x 35-tonne Quarry-Spec Excavator

1 x 25-tonne Quarry-Spec Excavator

2 x 30-tonne Volvo Dumpers (Extraction)

Testing and Compliance

All testing is completed by our independent IANZ accredited laboratory partner ‘Testlab – Wanagnui’.

We use our partner to ensure that we are regularly auditing our product to ensure it is compliant and of a high quality for our clients.


All orders can be made via the contact details below.

All Quarry Queries and Information
14 Senamor Place, Frimley, 4102
Mon – Fri: 8.00am – 4.30pm (Closed on all public holidays)
06 879 4560


The list below are the most common products that we supply but our crusher has the capabilities to produce any ‘gabion rock’ required outside of the list when ordered.


AP20 crushed

AP40 crushed

AP65 crushed

Gabion Rock

Drainage material, pea metal, railway ballast, riprap material etc


Clients who purchase our aggregates:

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Looking to start a new project? Get in touch

06 879 4560